Sunday, May 11, 2014

The gifts from friends for Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day. May 11, 2014. A stupendous day spent with my Mom & Dad, Hari, Olga, and Alexis (who came over for have a bit of Mom's Nite Out). 

---Flash back to Saturday ---

My friend Hannah had a private party on Friday night with lots of left overs, therefore she called me and asked if I could use some food, as she is heading out of town on Monday and does not want the it to go to waste.  So, Saturday I meet her and pick up the tasty fixin's. 

Today ---

Thank Heavens my mom brought wine - my mom's day gift. 

Hari applied some of Hannah's left overs into the lunch for four. The caprese salad was converted to pizza. 

Hari used the dry bean after soaking them for four days into bean soup topped with fresh yogurt.
Left over pizza dough was made into dinner rolls.  The dough was recycled from the freezer that we had the other night. 

Finally, rice & bean salad, light and refreshing from Hannah's party.

The evening was resplendent as we sat and chatted with my friend after my mother & dad left. Had a wondrous time and thank you Alexis for dropping by to snack and help with Olga - one day at a time. She is sling walking better and improving slowly. Not bad for surgery only 5 days ago.


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