Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The elephants in the room.

May 7th was aggressively busy. I need a strong breakfast on those days and I enjoyed my yogurt smoothie addition with my peanut butter sandwich. 

Yogurt and PB breakfast
Red bean dressed Kale sandwich
This was the first time I have used the Greek yogurt cultures, which was a nice consistency and subtle flavor.

I did not have time to break for lunch, so I packed a Kale sandwich with the left over red beans "dressing". 
Mid- afternoon, the race is in full swing.  

As I dash home, clean up and dress for the evening, I intensely wolf down a snack bowl of rice and the “aged” Bhaji from last night. Still hungry, I am back the to a Kale sandwich dressed with the Cilantro cooking base Hari got the first night.

As our evening finally relaxes, we have a moment to breathe. Hari made a potato- mixed veg quick stew with rice. The fillers are now becoming flagrantly obvious, rice & bread. 


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